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Wart Child

Warts are an infectious disease of the skin and mucous membranes caused by the Human Papilloma Virus.

The disease is most common on the hands and feet, but can also appear on any part of the body, mucous membranes and genitalia. The most common form of warts are callus-like bumps on the skin. However, the difference between warts and calluses is the red spots observed when scraped.

Warts are contagious. However, the person's immune response is important in developing the disease. Warts are diagnosed clinically. Rarely, in treatment-resistant patients and genital warts, a biopsy is performed to exclude other diseases that should be considered in the differential diagnosis. Topical treatments, cryotherapy and electrocauterization are the most commonly used methods in the treatment of warts.

Baby Face Ultra

Baby Face Ultra is a LaseMD device with American FDA approval. With Lutronic thulium laser technology, it opens 6,000 micro channels per minute in the skin.

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