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Herpes or Herpes is a skin disease caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). In the area of herpes, redness and water-filled blisters are observed along with itching, burning, and pain.

The causative agent of the disease, HSV1, is mostly responsible for herpes on the face and upper body, while HSV2 is responsible for the genital area. Contact, use of the same towel and utensils are important in herpes transmission, and sexual intercourse is especially important in HSV2. The virus remains latent (sleeping) in the nerve cells. The disease can be activated by suppression of the immune system, flu infections, stress, sun exposure and laser-peeling, etc. skin treatment applications. The diagnosis of the disease is made clinically.

In addition, blood test evaluation can be performed for the determination of HSV1 and HSV2. Treatment of the disease is often with topical antiviral and topical antibiotics. However, in severe cases, oral therapy is added. Oral treatment for 1 year is recommended as suppression therapy in herpes infections that recur more than 6 times a year.

Baby Face Ultra

Baby Face Ultra is a LaseMD device with American FDA approval. With Lutronic thulium laser technology, it opens 6,000 micro channels per minute in the skin.

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